But, if there's one 'lesson' I've learned recently it's that viewers don't appreciate disjointed collections of images...they like to see cohesive portfolios based on a common theme.
In fact, I recently submitted to an informal online contest. More of a 'submit what you like and I [the blog owner] will post what I feel worthy' situation, as I understood it. The rules were simple: B&W, up to 3 images. Got it.
Come to find out after that the site owner felt that actually submitting three images was indicative of a desperation to 'win' [whatever that meant in this case]. Huh? In fact, those who submitted only one image were deemed somehow more worthy.
Anyway, upon reflection and after recent experiences, I decided the images I'd chosen for this post didn't really tell a story. So, here's one image. Taken in Bangkok. Love travel photography. More later.