Equipment was my venerable Lumix duo, a G9 with the Leica DG 50-100mm [e-100-400] f2.8-4 ASPH, and a GX85 with the 8-16mm [e-16-32] f2.8-4. I have a two-camera harness which makes moving around the boat very must keep at least one hand available for handholds at all times of course. I'm a decade plus from having my sailboat live-aboard sea legs and it was choppy, so extra care was in order for the first hours.
There were four classes of racing with the largest and most elegant, the 12 meter boats, miles offshore. So, given our trawler's speed and the 'sporty' conditions outside we opted to stay in the bay and enjoy the smaller classes. These are relatively modern boats and the teams go hard and really compete. It was fun to watch.
But from now on it's only the antique and classic boat regattas for me. I miss the varnish. :)