Ok, not so much the ice cream, although I do have some pointed concerns there too.
So now that practically everything we create is electronic [and we create A LOT these days], what is going to happen when either the internet goes down [apocalyptic scenario], my domain registration expires [realistic scenario], or 'things' simply change in a fundamental way? [hey, the only constant is change]
Used to be that to survive for centuries your creative work needed to be either chiseled into stone, carved into clay, or painted on something. What to do with our pixels?
I want to say 'this is why I make prints', but that's not true. I make prints because I still really appreciate a good print. To me a print is the one and only final product of the photographic process.
But, happy accident, these prints of mine in boxes and frames are the only images that have any chance of surviving me.
I'd like to think someone will enjoy a few of them someday.
I'll never know.