Again this year I'm only a 'finalist', so no big to-do. But as I say every year, simply fantastic to be recognized amongst so many outstanding photographs.
This particular image really benefits from being viewed large. There's a whole formula that describes the optimal viewing size and distance of an image based on the focal length of the lens used, etc. Long story short, this was taken with a 20mm wide angle lens, and needs to be viewed large and/or close to experience the full effect. The exact opposite of what you see here. Thankfully the judges were apparently viewing it correctly!
As seems to be so often the case with my work this was not the product of an international trek to foreign lands, nor an in depth's a shot taken of my neighbor's back yard after a long hike in the local fields. As in writing, photograph what you know I guess.
Like last post, again, serendipity if you will.