2019 Contest Winner - 1/28/2019
Really fun to receive more positive feedback on my black and white work. This time it's by having two images (!) included in Black & White magazine's 2019 Contest Winners issue. I'm amazed.
I'm also somewhat surprised to see how vibrant the publishing industry remains for photography in general, and b/w in particular. There are actually quite a few titles on the rack at Barnes & Noble where I picked up my copy of this issue.
I've been doing [for me] a lot of printing, showing, and contest entering over the last 6 months or so. Think it's time to slow down and take stock...maybe head off in a new direction with my work? Not sure, but I'll certainly let you all know what I decide!
I'm also somewhat surprised to see how vibrant the publishing industry remains for photography in general, and b/w in particular. There are actually quite a few titles on the rack at Barnes & Noble where I picked up my copy of this issue.
I've been doing [for me] a lot of printing, showing, and contest entering over the last 6 months or so. Think it's time to slow down and take stock...maybe head off in a new direction with my work? Not sure, but I'll certainly let you all know what I decide!
2018 Finalist - 1/12/2019
Here I am on page 144 of this year's Photographer's Forum Best of Photography 2018 annual !
Again this year I'm only a 'finalist', so no big to-do. But as I say every year, simply fantastic to be recognized amongst so many outstanding photographs.
This particular image really benefits from being viewed large. There's a whole formula that describes the optimal viewing size and distance of an image based on the focal length of the lens used, etc. Long story short, this was taken with a 20mm wide angle lens, and needs to be viewed large and/or close to experience the full effect. The exact opposite of what you see here. Thankfully the judges were apparently viewing it correctly!
As seems to be so often the case with my work this was not the product of an international trek to foreign lands, nor an in depth study...it's a shot taken of my neighbor's back yard after a long hike in the local fields. As in writing, photograph what you know I guess.
Like last post, again, serendipity if you will.
Again this year I'm only a 'finalist', so no big to-do. But as I say every year, simply fantastic to be recognized amongst so many outstanding photographs.
This particular image really benefits from being viewed large. There's a whole formula that describes the optimal viewing size and distance of an image based on the focal length of the lens used, etc. Long story short, this was taken with a 20mm wide angle lens, and needs to be viewed large and/or close to experience the full effect. The exact opposite of what you see here. Thankfully the judges were apparently viewing it correctly!
As seems to be so often the case with my work this was not the product of an international trek to foreign lands, nor an in depth study...it's a shot taken of my neighbor's back yard after a long hike in the local fields. As in writing, photograph what you know I guess.
Like last post, again, serendipity if you will.
2016 - Photographers Forum - Color Finalists
This was a really fun entry. It was taken on a cold winter's night, mid-January, from a hospital window in Newport, RI.
My son had been born a day or two before and I was doing shifts at home and the hospital, still working my day job, as we planned to go home.
i had recently up/downgraded from an early Canon 5D to the ever-so-capable Leica D-Lux Typ 109. After six months in the shop this camera ended up being my daily carry for years, and captured more than a few award winners.
Of course, my biggest prize was my amazing son, but these images were gravy on top. :)
My son had been born a day or two before and I was doing shifts at home and the hospital, still working my day job, as we planned to go home.
i had recently up/downgraded from an early Canon 5D to the ever-so-capable Leica D-Lux Typ 109. After six months in the shop this camera ended up being my daily carry for years, and captured more than a few award winners.
Of course, my biggest prize was my amazing son, but these images were gravy on top. :)
2015 - Guess this counts as 'published'?
This holiday card was mailed out to many folks, so I guess that qualifies as being 'published'. The full story of this amazing project was told in a blog post [main page of this site] a few years ago. I did not work directly with the Secretary on this, but his staff was superb, and I was very proud to contribute at his request.